Friday, November 1, 2013

The Prophecies

Things I see while meditating.  (This is for entertainment purposes only.  Mainly my own. )

Thursday, October 24, 2013

The Prophecies

(Things I see when I'm meditating.  This is for entertainment purposes only.  Mainly, my own.)

A shift in wealth.
The great one hangs her head.
Plagues, and mourning.
The third awakening.

Pockets of hope,
A time of great rebuilding.
Society shifted to higher ground.

Secrets from the elders,
re-gifted to a few.
Rediscovering our past.
Momentary peace.
Realizations of awareness,
Existence centered for a few.
Outcasts observing the death of their own kind.
Anger building over what's been lost.

Terror on three bridges.
Forced to watch them fall.
Artificial drought,
another shift of wealth.
Population decline.

Migrations to the underground.
Artificially growing food.
Fire up above.
Feminine worship reemerging.
Isolated balance.

The third great war fought in secret.
Weather weaponized and sold.
Fear ruling.
Disasters driving the consumer market.
Consumed consumers cease consuming.
The slaves desire freedom again.
Coups in the West.
Economic collapse.
A human feeding frenzy.
Battles for basic material things.

A great secret is revealed.
Economic rebirth.
The controllers speak openly.
Blood in the streets.

A new river splits a nation.
Salt in the wounds.
A city is deserted.
Urban farmers reclaim the land.
New forests.

Contradicting stories.
A massive shift in powers.
No shelter from the aftershocks.
Dark clouds looming on the horizon.

Water supplies rationed by a great evil.
The masses slowly poisoned.
Weary from sickness and fear,
undetected modern slavery thriving.
Population control.
Redistribution of resources.
Planet wide experiments.

The Prophecies

The Prophecies
(Things I see when I meditate.  This is for entertainment purposes only.  Mainly my own. )
Blind and fearful.
Huddling closer.
The slaughter has begun.
Mighty river fires rising fast.
Just before sunrise.
A great light will wake many.
Confusion in the streets.
Communication lost.

Fear ruling,  violence erupts.
Sudden silence
Control over man.
Something more powerful.
Sounds  from the sky.
Migrations of millions.
Great famine.
THE FIRST MASS awakening.
Truths destroy artificial riches.
Censorship bypassed.
Global riots.
Fireballs daily,
Restless populations.
Helpless controllers fall victim to madness. Many follow. 
Mass confusion.  Many short lived leaders. Even more followers.
More confusion.
Population decline.
Poisoned waters rising.
Thousands gone  before high noon.
Earthquake dividing.
Floods drain into canyon. 
Leaders missing.
Genetically altered by longterm fear.
Scarring future generations.
A legacy of suffering.
The second great awakening.